Consilium Portfolios

Consilium PIE

98% Growth
2% Income

Suitable for investors with an investment time horizon of more than 15 years before seeking to spend large amounts of their portfolio. This portfolio is targeting high portfolio growth and should suit investors comfortable accepting the highest available amount of volatility.

Portfolio Performance

Period ending 30 September 2024
1 year 3 years 5 years Since inception
20.08% 4.95% 8.37% 9.05%

Investment Objective

The investment objective of this portfolio is to utilise socially responsible funds (where available) that are structured as portfolio investment entities (PIEs) to outperform the respective index portfolio as defined by the benchmarks below. Performance is evaluated on a gross basis (before tax, fees and other expenses have been taken into account) over the period of the minimum time horizon for which the portfolio is stated as being suitable.

Portfolio Holdings as at 12 March 2024


Country of origin

Asset type


Harbour Sustainable NZ Shares Fund

New Zealand

Australasian Equities



Dimensional Australian Sustainability PIE Fund

New Zealand

Australasian Equities



Kernel Global ESG Fund (NZD)

New Zealand

International Equities



Dimensional Global Sustainability PIE Fund (NZD)

New Zealand

International Equities



Evidential Sustainable Targeted Factor Fund

New Zealand

International Equities



Russell Investments Sustainable Global Shares Fund

New Zealand

International Equities



Cash management account*

New Zealand

Cash and Cash Equivalents








*Cash is in an on call facility held by ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd. ANZ Bank has a Standard & Poor's short term rating of A-1+. This indicates that ANZ Bank’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on these obligations is extremely strong.