MyFiduciary Portfolios

The MyFiduciary series of portfolios has six different portfolios with different risk profiles.

MyFiduciary Portfolios

MyFiduciary portfolios are globally diversified and have a “core-satellite” approach.

The MyFiduciary Investment Committee is a team of investment specialists that are part of the MyFiduciary business. MyFiduciary is an organisation that specialises in the development of investment strategies and frameworks for a wide range of investment entities.

The MyFiduciary series of portfolios are developed using a “core-satellite” approach. This approach involves the core element of the portfolio being comprised of broadly diversified low-cost funds whilst satellite exposures may include more actively managed funds. 

There are six different portfolios available with different risk profiles. Your adviser will help you select which portfolio is best for you depending on your investment needs and preferences.

Consilium, as the holder of the DIMS licence, has the responsibility to construct all Synergy portfolios. Consilium constructs the MyFiduciary series of portfolios based on research and recommendations from the MyFiduciary Investment Committee.

MyFiduciary Portfolios

Portfolio returns* 1 year 3 years 5 years
25% Growth / 75% Income Portfolio
9.16% 3.47% - View Details
40% Growth / 60% Income Portfolio
11.34% 4.15% - View Details
55% Growth / 45% Income Portfolio
13.25% 4.53% - View Details
70% Growth / 30% Income Portfolio
15.44% 4.90% - View Details
85% Growth / 15% Income Portfolio
17.48% 5.25% - View Details
98% Growth / 2% Income Portfolio
19.46% 5.83% - View Details

*All returns are in New Zealand dollars and are net of fund management fees, but before custodial, administration and adviser fees, and before tax. Returns are calculated by compounding monthly returns and may be subject to rounding error. Returns are annualised for time periods greater than one year. The model portfolio returns presented above are based on an annual rebalance. Client gross returns will differ from model portfolio performance due to numerous factors, including, but not limited to, differing rebalance timing and/or rounding. This information is intended to be of a general nature and does not take into account your financial situation or goals and is not personalised advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Please note these returns are not intended to meet the requirements of Schedule 21 of the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations (FMC Regulations). To view model portfolio returns after fees and before tax (as required by Schedule 21 of the FMC Regulations), please see the relevant Investment Proposal.