Frequently Asked Questions
How do I invest in Synergy
You can become a Synergy investor and access the suite of model portfolios by getting in touch with your Financial Adviser. If you would like to find out more, please contact us at
Where is my money invested?
Synergy has 30 portfolio options for you to discuss with your adviser. Your money is held on a custodial platform with FNZ, and you will have a personal login to view its value and performance whenever you like.
The Synergy portfolios are highly diversified, investing in thousands of companies through shares and bonds.
What entity physically holds my investments?
FNZ Custodians Limited acts as a custodian for Synergy, holding money and assets on bare trust for you. The custodian has no authority to transact on your behalf without first receiving a valid instruction through Synergy. A bare trust is where someone else holds your investments on your behalf, with no power to make any decisions about dealing with those investments. Custodians are regulated and audited. Consilium itself is not a custodian and does not provide custodial services as part of Consilium Wrap.
How do I review my investments?
Consilium will provide you with personalised access to the Consilium Wrap platform, where you can review your investments at any time. You can also ask your Financial Adviser to provide these for you.
Where can I see my portfolio's performance results?
General Synergy performance information is available on the Synergy website and through your adviser. If you are a current Synergy investor, you can access your portfolio's performance through your client login and the regular reports Synergy sends you.
Can I get my money whenever I want?
Yes, we just need to process the sales for you. Your money can be back in your bank account within ten working days.
How are taxes paid?
Some taxes are paid on your behalf and others are not. Resident and non-resident withholding tax will be deducted from interest and dividends received. For certain overseas investments, subject to the foreign investment fund rules, tax is not withheld and is calculated in your end of year tax report, to assist in completing the tax return. For portfolio investment entities (PIEs), tax is calculated and paid on your behalf at your nominated prescribed investor rate (PIR).
How does my adviser get paid?
Your Financial Adviser will agree their fee with you before you invest.
How often will I hear from Consilium about my Synergy portfolio?
We present information about your portfolio in a consistent and reliable way. Synergy gives you annual tax and performance updates as well as quarterly portfolio reports and market commentary updates to keep you informed. You also have online access to your portfolio anytime.